Providing 40 Years of Creative Design & Expertise

Amy-Jane Reiss now resides in the Charlotte North Carolina area with her formative years being spent in the New York Metropolitan area where art, in one form or another. Her high school and early college years were spent in San Diego, California where her family relocated. This enhanced her view of herself and added to her artistic endeavors through art classes, workshops and the experience of living in a different environment. Through her life art has always been her main focus.
Having attended Mesa College in San Diego, California she returned to her northeastern roots and graduated from the prestigious Pratt Institute with a degree in commercial art and sculpture.
Her love of the creative process was quickly rewarded as she worked through the ranks becoming the Art Director of major security hardware company, working for an advertising agency and eventually founded her own commercial advertising company, Fame Design Studios. Fame Design Studios specializes in advertising and marketing in the high tech, computer, and medical sectors.
Taking time off for raising a family, Amy-Jane kept her hand in the artistic world with freelance projects and teaching commercial art classes to businesses while teaching Art at both high school and middle school levels. Her emphasis was always to inspire students with the joining of the creative process with real life artistic endeavors needed in almost all aspects of our world enabling the creative process to be fused in all its many forms. Encouraging students to use critical thinking and problem-solving techniques to develop a solution for each project.
Now returning full time to the company she established in 1990, Amy-Jane brings additional experience and expertise to the marketing table to help new or emerging companies grow through proper branding, marketing and collateral materials.